Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I hit another one yesterday.  It probably isn't a big deal, but it was to me...mostly because it came as a surprise.  I had just finished my SJ of the Day, and when I had finished and felt my quads and hammy's screaming at me as I walked down the steps...I contemplated doing some more core work and decided instead on a shower and headed for the locker room.

Now, as I divulge some secrets of the Men's Locker Room, let's keep it between me and you, ok?  Don't go putting it on the internet or anything...
surprise.  I was at the gym yesterday morning, doing my

I exited the shower and began to get dressed.  I grabbed my belt and turned to face the mirror.  As a chunky fellow, I often needed to face the mirror while I held up my stomach to be able see the first belt loop.  So I turned to the mirror and a not so wonderful surprise led to my milestone.

Now, in the men's locker room there exist guys who have no issues walking from the shower to their locker or even standing at the sink with or without their towels...but one thing is for sure, men who are a bit older than most, have gotten beyond the age of caring what other people think, so they definitely do not hesitate to stand at the sink with their towels slumped on the floor around their ankles.  So when I turned to look at the mirror behind the sink, there were two older bright white rear-ends staring back at me and my first reaction was, GAH!!! I looked down and that is when it happened, while looking down I realized I could actually see the belt-loops.  The old gut wasn't blocking the way.  I couldn't believe I could see the belt loops!

So thank you, thank you to the two elderly gentlemen who don't mind standing in the locker room without their towels.  You helped me see I reached a new milestone.  But please, let's not make a habit of this...


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